No big bang in defence budget | India News

Nueva Delhi: The military modernization of India will continue slowly and casual without any Big Bangs, with the disbursement of defense registering a modest increase of 9.5% on the budgetary estimates of the last prosecutor and 6.3% on those reviewed.
The General Defense Budget was linked to 6.8 Lakh million rupees ($ 79 billion), which includes the enormous assignment of RS 1.6 Lakh million rupee. It goes only 1.9% of the GDP projected by 2025-26 when at least 2.5% is needed to deal with the collusive threat of China and Pakistan.
The capital expenditure for military modernization stood at RS 1.8 Lakh million rupees, which is a low jump of 4.6% of the disbursement of the last RS 1.7 Lakh Crore prosecutor. In addition, the Ministry of Defense has returned RS 12.5 billion rupees as not spent under this boss.
The disbursement of income of RS 3.1 Lakh million rupees for daily operating costs, sustenance and salaries of the strong armed forces and defense civilians of more than 14 Lakh also continue to be almost double the capital.
There are some large-ticket defense defense agreements, which require fees on several prosecutors, such as 26 Rafale-Marine combatants (RS 63,000 million rupees) and three additional scorphens submarines (RS 38,000 million 156 Light Combat Helicopters of Prachand (RS 53,000 million rupees) and 307 advanced artillery weapons systems (RS 8,5 billion rupees).
However, the Armed Forces continue to deal with important operational deficits on several fronts ranging from combatants, submarines and helicopters to advanced air defense missiles, guided anti -tank missiles and night fighting capabilities.
Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, on his part, said: “The capital disbursement of 1.80,000 million rupees in the defense forces will help even more in modernization, the technological progress and the capacities of our defense forces” .
A MOD official added that the defense allocation for 2025-26 amounts to 13.4% of the Budget of the Union, which is the highest among all ministries. “The defense modernization budget, 75% or RS 1.1 Lakh Crore is intended for acquisitions through national sources,” he said.
The assignment for Drdo in the budget has increased to RS 26,817 million rupees of the first RS 23,856 million rupees. “Out of this, an important participation of RS 14,924 million rupees for capital expenses and to finance R & D. D. this will help develop new technologies with a special approach to fundamental research and the participation of the participation of the Private parties through the Development Production Member mode, “he said.
The Border Roads organization, in turn, obtained 7,146 million rupees “to promote the strategic interest of the nation in border areas through the construction of tunnels, bridges and roads,” he added.

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