Bill tabled in PA for appointment of bureaucrats as chairmen of Sindh education boards – Pakistan

Karachi: The provincial government presented on Monday the Sindh meetings of intermediate and secondary education (amendment) at the Sindh Assembly, racing the way for bureaucrats to designate themselves as presidents of the meetings.

Vice President Anthony Naveed sent the bill amended to the Permanent Committee relevant for his consideration after he was introduced by the Minister of Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziaul Hassan Lanjar.

The amended bill contained one of the most controversial provisions that allowed the provincial government to appoint a high -ranking official as president of any educational board.

The amendment proposed in the bill said: “provided that the president is appointed by the controlling authority, either through the direct recruitment process or by transfer from among BPS-19/20 cadres officers in the terms and terms and conditions that can determine it. . “

Interestingly, the “declaration of objects and reasons” of the bill remained silent for the reasons and the need for the appointment of bureaucrats as presidents of educational boards.

Vice President refers to the document to the permanent committee concerned about deliberation

However, he said that the educational boards of the province were working without a formalized platform for coordination between their respective presidents and the absence of said coordination had resulted in significant disparities in the exam standards, evaluation procedures and other administrative functions in The Sindh meetings.

The declaration of objects and reasons said: “To fill the void of coordination between the presidents of all the educational boards of the province and in order to perform the functions in the educational boards in a gentle and transparent way, it is convenient to amend the joints of the Intermediate and Secondary Education Ordinance of Sindh, 1972. “

The Permanent Committee was asked to examine the amendment bill and present its proposals in a week.

In addition to the appointment of the presidents of the Boards, the bill also provides changes in the procedure to appoint bosses, exam directors and secretaries of the educational boards in the province.

According to the amended law, the controlling authority of the educational boards will be the prime minister or his nominated minister. The authority of the educational boards will be authorized to fire the service officer at any stage.

According to the amended bill, the main minister will be authorized to make appointments for educational boards directly or by transfer.

The authority to appoint the members of the educational boards and the Steering Committee will also rest with the Prime Minister.

The administrative matters of the educational boards will be supervised by a Steering Committee and an officer of the Department of Provincial Services and General Administration will also be included in the Committee.

MQM-P protest

The procedure took an unpleasant turn when the vice president ruled a motion of privileges of Aamir Siddiqui belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement Movement (MQM-P) out of order after the Law and the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs were opposed.

The MQM-P member in his motion complained against the “non-professional” behavior of Karachi Water and Sewege Corporation Asadullah, who did not receive his calls or responded to his messages.

He said he knew that his privileged motion would be rejected, but at least he should be allowed to address the issue of acute water shortage throughout the east district.

MQM-P members increased and sang slogans against the government when the president ruled the motion of privileges out of service.

Meanwhile, journalists covering the procedures of the Assembly organized a protest against the recent amendment to the Electronic Crime Prevention Law (PECA).

Later, the house was postponed until Wednesday (tomorrow) at 2 pm

Posted in Dawn, January 28, 2025

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