All women Panel discussed independent women and women on Thursday as teachers of changes in education, business and society.
To the ToiThe Shevolution event, the panel navigates for challenges and opportunities in the modern era and empowers the next generation of women leaders.
The panel includes TRIVEDII IRAAn expert in Yoga and Author, Dr. Ishi KhoslaWhole Foods Indian and Celiac Society of India and Sanchita MukherjeeBusiness Economist L Managing Partner.
Speaking about independent entrepreneurs and women, Ira Trivedi said that women as leaders are difficult due to the shadow of patriarchy, but they are still better leaders, because there is more sympathy, better for people.
He also mentioned the president and said there is a woman or a higher position and now women are breaking the old gender barrier.
Discussing Dr. Ishi Khosla himself said that women are inherently powerful, stronger and more resistant and smarter than many.
“I think the problem is that people at some point undermine our strengths. We are obliged to believe that we are not only there and we must be supported and we are not so intelligent, whether it is any profession, or handle finance or any other person dominated by men, which we are conditioned to believe that this world or male domain. But I personally believe that anyone who is inframling our strength can be handled by us.
Meanwhile, Sanchita Mukherjee said: “Women in leadership For me I have been in the financial industry throughout my career. I have now been a private banker in heritage management. We pay our own invoices. And the day he begins to take the direction of his car is a day when he begins to take the steering wheel of his life. And you start paying your own invoices. “