Mumbai: India’s nuclear program crossed a significant milestone at 2.37 am on Monday when the seventh unit of the Rajasthan Atomic Energy Station (Rapp-7) In Rawatbhata it was connected to the Northern Grid.
He India Limited Nuclear Energy Corporation (NPCil) said Tuesday in a statement that the power level of the unit will increase in the total power steps, according to regulatory authorizations. He said Rapp-7 is the third reactor of the 700 MW series of 16 indigenous pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWR) that is being established in the country.
NPCIL said the 700 MW indigenous phwr will constitute a significant component of the 100 GW capacity for 2047, announced under the nuclear energy mission.
“A typical 700 MW reactor would generate approximately 5.2 billion units of Clean energy A 85 per cargo factor of the plant per year, thus avoiding approximately 4.5 million tons of equivalent emissions of CO2 annually, ”said NPCil in the statement.
With this, NPCil now operates 25 reactors with a total capacity of 8,880 MW, with a capacity of 13,100 MW under construction.