Rajasthan law minister uses cuss word in assembly, apologises after uproar | India News

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Jogaram Patel

Jaipur: Rajasthan’s assembly broke out in Chaos on Monday when the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Jogaram Patel, used a “non -parliamentary” language at home. Patel made the comments during the time of the question, which became a dispute bone when the camera resumed after lunch to debate about the governor’s speech.
The matter was established when Patel apologized saying that he did not want to use the word.
The incident occurred during an argument, when Minister Otaram Dewasi answered the question raised by the MLA Cetan Patel Congress related to crop damage due to floods.
Opposition leader Tikaram Jully expressed his dissatisfaction with the minister’s answer and asked a counter questions, which led to a uproar.
And when Jully asked the minister to give the figures of damage to Sangod de Kota, Patel stood up and used an abusive word.
As soon as the Chamber resumed after lunch, the president of the State of Congress, Govind Singh Domera, said: “The camera was in session. When the opposition leader was speaking, the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs opposed the leader of the leader of the leader of the leader The opposition also abused.
He added: “What can be more shameful than the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs to abuse?
Patel responded by saying that he and his party always respected and honored the members.
“We present our point effectively, we do not lack this. There was no intention to damage anyone’s dignity,” he said.
“I never intended to speak non -parliamentary words in the house or have it in the future. If someone gets excited while speaking in the flow, there was no such intention. Therefore, it should be eliminated and such feelings will never have been there towards any Member in the future.
Domera reacted by saying: “If it came in the registry, then an apology should be made. Our Dhariwal Ji had apologized, I apologized in your name, you are the Minister of Law.”
Patel said: “I have not said this and if I have said it, then I feel sorry. We do not stay firm like you. We respect everyone.”
Later, President Vasudev Devnani ordered the members to keep the decorum of the house.
“If something goes wrong, we must take action immediately against him. If something happens, then I think there is no damage to apologize,” he said.
The Chamber proceeded to debate on the governor’s speech and postponed until Wednesday.

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