Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, handlers say, predicting 6 more weeks of wintry weather

Punxsutawney Phil saw its shadow and is predicting six more weeks of winter climate, its hat managers announced on Sunday from the Gobbler knob in western Pennsylvania.

A massive crowd was present to listen to the Woodchuck time forecast, an annual ritual with roots in European agricultural life that has been repressed in public interest from Bill Murray’s film in 1993, “Marmota Day.”

The Punxsutawney Marmot Club says that when it is considered that Phil has not seen its shadow, that is said to begin at the beginning of spring. When you see it, there will be six more weeks of winter.

What that means can be subjective.

Phil has predicted a longer winter much more frequently than a spring at the beginning of spring and an effort to track its precision, he concluded that he was less than half of the time.

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