Ontario woman agrees to peace bond for spraying neighbour with water gun, assault charge withdrawn

A Simcoe woman, Ontario, has entered a peace link after spraying her neighbor with a water gun and was accused of assault.

Wendy Washik, 58, must maintain peace, be in good behavior and meet the conditions ordered by the Court for nine months. The assault position against him was retired and will not have a criminal record, ordered Judge Ag Summers in the Simcoe Courthouse on Tuesday.

These conditions include not having contact with their neighbor, Sheehan Rochester, 49, or going to his property, Summers said. If you violate the peace link, you could face a criminal office again.

The peace link is not an admission of guilt, according to the court.

Rochester told CBC Hamilton in a statement on Tuesday that he and his family have been “deeply affected” by Washik’s actions and are grateful that the peace bond tells you to remain away from them and their home.

“We really hope you honor your commitment to maintain this peace in the future,” he said.

She was accused on September 1, 2024, but previously told CBC Hamilton that the incident was not as serious as the police did.

She said she had been having a playful water weapons fight with a child when Rochester’s chest accidentally sprayed as she cut the grass.

Rochester’s property security images seem to show a different version of the events.

In an interview with CBC News last fall, Rochester said he had experienced years of racial harassment by a group of neighbors.

The neighbor felt directed

The incident of the water gun was part of a “mafia mentality” against him and his family, Rochester said. Before the incident, he had chosen not to interact with a group of neighbors, including Washik.

Rochester said he has been called racial insults and feels that he and his family have been attacked. He called the police about 14 times in recent years, and said the officers have encouraged him to continue informing problems.

LOOK | Security images show events prior to the incident of the water gun, arrest:

The Ontario man talks about calling the police to the neighbor who sprayed him with water

Sheehan Rochester, 49, told Philip Lee-Shanok of CBC News that he experienced years of racially fed harassment by a group of neighbors who intensified what he alleged that it was an assault on September 1.

In the footage, Washik is seen walking towards Rochester while establishing his grass cutter on his front grass. It is heard saying “Hey, how are you doing?”

Rochester does not seem to respond and begins to cut while Washik looks at him for several minutes, occasionally greeting.

“It was very strange and spooky,” he told CBC on September 28, 2024.

Then, a child crosses from the other side of the street and Washik seems to ask for a water gun, making a movement of movement with his hands in the direction of Rochester.

The images do not capture the side of the house, where Rochester alleged that it was stirred intentionally.

The police arrive at the scene shortly after and are there for at least 20 minutes talking to Washik and others.

Man sits
Sheehan Rochester previously told CBC News that she had been harassed by neighbors for years before when she was sprayed with a water gun last September. (Pelin sidki/cbc)

In the background, a man is heard curse and shout at Rochester who is a coward. Washik swears and shouts an insult aimed at Rochester’s house.

“I have never talked to him apart from saying ‘Hello’ and being ignored,” Washik said prior to CBC in response to the version of Rochester’s events. “We are suffering a lot for a little water.”

In the months that followed, Washik raised more than $ 7,000 to pay their legal fees, according to a fund collection website.

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