The imprisoned founder of PTI and former Prime Minister Imran Khan has written a letter to the president of the Supreme Court of Pakistan Yahya Afridi, extolling the superior judge to end the “terror and brutality by the State and the suppression of democracy,” It emerged on Thursday.
Entitled “Meltdown of the Constitutional Order in Pakistan”, the letter, a copy of which it is available with Dawn.comHe was dated January 24 and signed from the Adiala prison, where he is imprisoned.
After the arrest of the former private on May 9, 2023, of the facilities of the Superior Court of Islamabad, disturbances exploded throughout the country and continued for at least 24 hours. Subsequently, the State launched a repression against him and his party, presenting several other cases against Imran from the events of May 9, in many of which has been acquitted.
The period has since been of political instability with the government and the opposition in Lavgerheads with each other.
“Therefore, you are asked to exercise all the powers acquired in the Supreme Court of Pakistan to end terror and brutality by the State and the suppression of democracy that today deny the people of Pakistan their basic basic human rights . One or more judicial commissions can be established to examine the complaints of the people of Pakistan, some of which have been mentioned in this letter, ”Imran concluded in its 18 -page letter that was attached with more than 300 pages of evidence of the evidence of the evidence of the evidence of evidence of evidence of evidence. The statements of the former usor with respect to the ups and downs against his party and the state of the country.
Imran said that several requests that highlight the “assault on fundamental human rights and the electoral process” were presented in the last eighteen months and more before the Supreme Court to safeguard the fundamental rights of constitutionally guaranteed persons of people.
“When all the organs and agencies of the State that are obliged by law exercise the power to safeguard life, freedom and democracy are subjugated by brute force and are acting in the aid of persecution and fraud, it is the duty of The Pakistan Supreme Court to intervene.
“The Supreme Court of Pakistan has not been invested with enormous power by the Constitution of Pakistan to act as a spectator. Unfortunately, none of the requests filed before this honorable court, even for me, has been taken. This has allowed a free hand for a reign of brutality and fraud, ”said Imran.
Imran said that the evidence he attributed belonged to the “murders in progress, injuries, kidnappings and torture carried out against the members and supporters of the PTI to maintain the regime in office.”
Tyling the current configuration, he said that it was “the result of the oppression and large -scale electoral fraud carried out on February 8 and 9, 2024. Disarmed protesters have been found with brutality of the barbarian state. Reference can be made to the file … provides the names and photographs of some of those who lost their lives or suffered injuries in firearms on November 26, 2024 “, referring to the accusations of rig in the general elections and the November events in Islamabad Last year that saw clashes between PTI supporters and the application of the law.
“A list of 172 people injured on November 26, 2024 is placed here … The hospital records of martyred and the injured were sealed and manipulated by state personnel. Police stations refused to register the first information reports. More than 10,000 PTI supporters were arrested between November 24 to 27, 2024 throughout Pakistan, ”said the founder of PTI.
Criticizing how his own arrest was carried out on May 9, 2023, the former prime minister said that the events of the day were “used as a pretext to stop thousands of members and supporters of the PTI throughout the country” with more than 100 People delivered military custody for military judgments.
“The trials of the Military Court of civilians without appeal before an independent court are an atrocious violation of fundamental human rights recognized by the Constitution of Pakistan and by the Human Rights Law worldwide.”
Pointing out his own continuous imprisonment, the founder of PTI said that more than 200 “false and frivolous cases” were registered against him. “The totality of my detention has been marked by routine abuse and a systematic reduction of my rights as a political prisoner. The abuse intensified during the period from October 3 to 25, 2024, not only for me, but also for the other, more than 8,000 prisoners in the Adiala prison. During this time, they celebrated incommunicado from the outside world, in lone confinement, they denied essential privileges and subject to a degrading treatment, ”he added.
Regarding the treatment that was carried out to the leadership base and PTI party, he said: “The attacks directed against leadership, workers and supporters of the PTI are nothing less than a sustained campaign of political persecution and terror.
“The political picture of PTI, from its highest leaders to its base supporters, has undergone relentless threats, kidnappings and forced disappearances. Their homes and offices have been blatantly looted, and their families have faced direct intimidation, creating an environment of generalized fear and insecurity.
“Such individuals are not simply kidnapped and intimidated; They are forced, often under threat or by psychological and physical abuse, to act according to the dictates of their captors. The coercion includes, among others, to vote in parliamentary sessions according to the wishes of their kidnappers, having had members of the kidnapped family, the domestic servants abused and beaten, the threatened children, the detention in the darkness of the night from within the enclosures of Parliament.
“Surprisingly, the forced or public resignation of political affiliation often results in a recovery of freedom. This manipulation of political expression and freedom represents a serious affront for democracy and the rule of law, turning basic rights into skaters at the mercy of the shady forces that operate with impunity. “
Imran also highlighted the limitations imposed on the attempts of his electoral and political campaign party, as restrictions to hold protests and assemblies.
The founder of PTI alleged that the “abusive and coercive” tactics against his party had extended much further to cover all government critics with kidnappings, torture and intimidation becoming “the agenda.”
The former private also pointed out the developments in the country’s legal panorama, as the continuous lack of implementation of the verdict of reserved seats of the Apex court and the changes in the electoral laws and the judicial apparatus.
“It is clear that given the persistent abuse of the law by the state authorities, that the very idea of the rule of law and the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution has become a mere allusion. This coordinated abuse of the law is a betrayal of the trust deposited in these institutions by the citizens of Pakistan, who legitimately expect integrity and justice in the fulfillment of their duties. ”
International concern
The founder of PTI is not the only one that highlights such problems in the recent socio -political landscape of the country.
The European Union warned Pakistan not to assume its GSP+state.
Olof Skoog, the special human rights representative of the EU who is currently in a one -week visit to Pakistan, has urged the government not to use military courts to pursue cases against citizens, and opposed recent movements for restrict freedom of expression.
Talk with SunriseHe said that he had transmitted these messages in separate meetings with the senior government officials, including the head of the Army, the president of the Supreme Court and the members of the Federal Cabinet.
The focus of your visit is to interact with the government to press human rights issues and learn about Pakistan’s plans to address them before the next GSP+monitoring mission, which is due in June 2025.
The legislators and activists of US rights also urged the new Congress last week to take a position against the military trials of civilians in Pakistan and advocate for the reversal of antidemocratic measures aimed at the PTI.