Florida educators arrested after boozy teen party at principal’s home goes off the rails, police say

A party at the house of drunken teenagers in Florida with mischief worthy of a high school has led to child abuse positions against a primary school director and a teacher, police said.

Organized on January 19 by a student of Cocoa Beach High School at the house of the director of the Roosevelt Elementary School Elizabeth Hill-Brodigan, the party was attended by a multitude of more than 100 that included minor and minor drinkers, said the Cocoa Beach Police.

Hill-Brodigan and Master Karly Anderson could not give adequate attention to minors during the festivities, police alleged.

Hill-Brodigan is accused of child negligence, contributing to the crime of a minor and organizing a party with alcohol that was accessible to minors, called “open doors party” under the law of Florida. Anderson is accused of child negligence and contributing to the crime of a minor.

ROOSEVELT Elementary School in Cocoa Beach, Fla.Google Maps

Both were admitted to Brevard County prison on Friday and published on Saturday, with a $ 3,500 bonus attached to the case of Hill-Brodigan and $ 3,000 to Anderson, according to prison records.

On Tuesday, each one declared innocent through judicial presentations, which also requested judgments with jury so that each one advances without delay.

A Hill-Brodigan lawyer declined to comment on Tuesday. The legal advisor of Anderson did not immediately respond to a request for comments.

Belvard’s public schools said they have been placed on administrative license.

“We are extremely concerned about these accusations and we are totally cooperating with the Cocoa Beach Police Department,” the district said in a statement. “Our commitment to student safety remains our highest priority.”

Superintendent Mark Rendell said in a letter to the parents and the district community that the accusations, if it is true, represent “a complete failure in leadership and the violation of our trust.”

The researchers said that the party presented a teenager who pointed with a 9 mm gun in a student who recorded it, a vomiting party assistant so drunk that was called paramedics, the use of marijuana, the eruption of fights and violence, with An incident that was on video, and a arrested teenager near driving with a blood alcohol level well above the legal limit of 0.02 for those under 21 years.

The accusations were in a couple of affidavits filed in support of the arrests of the two educators.

The girl’s blood alcohol level was 0.118, police said in the documents, who also say that she and her passenger wore stamped clothes with the theme of the night: “White lie.”

Two days later, the detectives interviewed the teenage attendees who said that such events occur once a month in the house, with the January 19 part promoted on the Snapchat social media platform. Many attendees also wore “White Lie,” police said in their affidavits.

They said that Hill-Brodigan had some students who arrived early to help with “preparations”, as he has allegedly done it before, according to the affidavits.

“Elizabeth did not try to stop the party at any time and informed him that she agreed with what was happening,” said the detectives that some of the attendees told them later, according to the documents.

Anderson told the police on the phone the next day that he does not participate in what he described as “Ragers”, according to the affidavits.

Hill-Brodigan’s house appears in the prison records as in Country Club Road, an intracoastal street that crosses the exclusive neighborhoods of Cocoa Isles Country Club and River Sunset, where residences have been included in the sale in almost $ 2 million . Anderson lives in a direction on the same way, according to prison records.

High school is less than half a mile away.

It is not clear what could have motivated educators to help adolescents organize parties. An affidavit says that Anderson told officers that their own children were not there that night.

In the January 19 event, police said, alcoholic coolers were seen, and the host of the high school, a youth girl, appeared in the social networks of the event with a can of an alcoholic beverage.

Police affidavits described Anderson as drunk. At one point, when Anderson protested by the medical treatment of sick attendees by paramedics, the police told him to “leave,” the judicial documents say. She told the officers that night that Hill-Brodigan was not drunk because until now she only had a drink, according to the affidavits.

The officers were called to the house several times that Sunday night, from 8:40 pm and extending at the time of 11 o’clock, according to the reports of disturbances of the neighbors, including the statements that young people Attendees were trampling their property, police said in the affidavit.

The first time, police said, Hill-Brodigan indicated that the festivities would close. But they separated, and the officers were called to respond again, according to judicial documents.

Finally he ended with a joke, they say the affidavits.

Someone who sounded like a youth child reported shots in a close skating park shortly before 11:30 pm, according to the affidavits. He added that a satanic ritual was also taking place close and that, as part of it, someone was arrested at the tip of the gun, they say the affidavits.

Police responded, leaving the festivities to continue incessantly, according to the documents.

The false report may have allowed attendees to flee without facing a possible police scrutiny or arrest, the affidavits suggest: when the officers returned, the party attendees had disappeared.

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