Election Commission to kick off all-party consultations to address poll issues | India News

Electoral Commission to begin total consultations to address survey problems

New Delhi: Meetings of the whole party and the interactions will be housed throughout the country by 36 state/ut Chief of Electoral Officers (CEO), each of the 788 District Electoral Officers (DEOS) and up to 4,123 Electoral Registry (EROS) officers until this month of the month to solve outstanding and emerging problems related to surveys, occasionally marked by political parties.
The Chief of Elections Commissioner (CEC) Gyanesh Kumar, during the CEO conference earlier this month, ordered that electoral officers at the state, district and voting station have regular consultations for all parties to listen to the concerns and suggestions of the parties on the parties electoral rollsEpics or other aspects of surveys. “These meetings throughout the country will help solve any outstanding and emerging problem raised by political parties at the base level,” the EC said in a statement on Thursday, adding that the consultation process will be completed before March 31, 2025.
Meanwhile, the offer of the Electoral Commission to train representatives of the political parties and their designated standing agents (BL) that observe the electoral update process, in due process according to electoral laws, has been well received by political parties. The latter has agreed to nominate its representatives and Bla for the CE training programs, which will familiarize them with the process, as well as their role to guarantee the purity of the runs through the approach of claims and objections against the ‘defective’ entries in the Draft rolls and also appealing to the Deo and the CEO if they are not satisfied with the last knees.
The EC is also waiting for suggestions of political parties on matters related to survey behavior, the deadline being on April 30, 2025. The survey agency has already written to the heads of all the recognized parties to indicate a convenient time for discussions with it.
Stating that the CE, with Gyanesh Kumar to the helm, had put all the firmly current electoral machinery to promote the participation of all voters and guarantee a pleasant experience for them in the voting stations, “the commission said Thursday that” their bold and high -range initiatives cover the entire range of elections and cover all key participants in a participatory way. “
The initiatives taken by the CE that comprise Kumar, SS Sandhu and Vivek Joshi, include the beginning of technical consultations with UIDAi about the linking of the photographic identity card of the voters (Epic) with Aadhaar, which ends the duplication of the epic number throughout the country during the next three months, and the regular update of the voter list in the nearby coordination with the nearby coordination with the death authorities.
At the CEO conference from March 4 to 5, 28 interested parties were mapped together with their legal role, and the decision taken to prepare digital training kits in multiple Indian languages ​​for easy absorption and effective training of first -line officials. Animated videos and the integrated board will provide a digital impulse for training, the survey body said Thursday.

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