Edhi Foundation funds $4m equipment at Karachi’s JPMC for free breast cancer treatment – Pakistan

The Edhi Foundation is financing breast cancer treatment equipment worth $ 4 million for the Jinnaah’s radiation bay postgraduate medical karachi (JPMC), which bears the name of Abdul Sattar and Bilquis Edhi.

The Edhi Foundation is the main social welfare organization in the country. BILQUIS & ABDUL SATTAR EDHI-BRANAST RADITION BAY will begin its services in April 2026 and will be jointly operated by the patient’s help foundation (PAF) and the Government of Sindh, according to a statement issued today by Dr. Tariq Mahmood, Professor Emerrito de Radiation oncology in JPMC.

“Every day, 160 breast cancer patients will receive free treatment in the latest generation helicopter tomotherapy,” he said.

The statement said the units would use a new technology for the precise location of the injuries and deliver radiation with a zero risk of unnecessary exposure to the heart.

He added that the Sindh government had also promised to provide necessary funds for the repair and maintenance of the equipment after the expiration of its annual guarantee to guarantee soft and efficient operations.

“Breast cancer is a main cause of death in women. Around 30,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year in Pakistan,” said the statement, added that almost all cases of malignant breast cancer required surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

He pointed out that despite the fact that surgery and chemotherapy facilities were widely available in the public and private sectors, the radiotherapy spaces were not available for timely cancer management due to the lack of availability of linear accelerators in the country.

“Most centers in Pakistan, which offer breast radiotherapy, are treating breast cancers with CRT 2D/3D, while the updated world care standard requires IMRT/Vmat radiotherapy and that is available in very few centers, but the treatment cost is beyond the reach of a common man,” he added.

The statement said that a new technology was introduced worldwide to administer radiation in a precise site through surface -guided radiotherapy (SGRT) and deep inhalation breathing (DIBH) to avoid unnecessary exposure of radiation to healthy critical structures.

He said to date, this technology was not available in Pakistan. “SGRT and DIBH save the hearts of women from unnecessary exposure, and it is of extreme importance, especially in patients with younger breast cancer,” added the statement.

He said that PAF was working in a public-private association with the government of Sindh and so far, the capacity of the JPMC bed had increased from 1,100 to 2,208 building new buildings for various rooms while equipped with the latest equipment and machinery, and guaranteeing their continuous maintenance.

The statement said that other new 600 -bed projects were at completion.

The statement concluded by saying that the oncology of JPCMC’s radiation was the only center in the world that offered “absolutely free cancer treatment with avant -garde technologies”, regardless of nationality, religion and ethnicity.

“Until now, patients from 167 cities in Pakistan and 15 countries have taken advantage of this free installation,” said the statement.

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