Nueva Delhi: The initiative of the Chief Elections Commissioner (CEC) Gyanesh Kumar to call a meeting with the Secretary of the Interior, the secretary of the Legislative Department and the CEO of UIDAI on Tuesday to discuss the Epic-Aadhaar link comes against the bottom of the date notified for an existing voter to voluntarily intimate his AADHAR number to have expired almost a year ago.
There has not been an extension after March 31, 2024, the deadline notified for the last time by the Ministry of Law of Existing voters to voluntarily share its details of Aadhaar with the EC, in line with section 23 of the Law of Representation of Popular Law, 1950, as modified through the Law of Laws Elections (amendment), 2022.
In February 2024, the Supreme Court, while listening to a statement that challenges the legal form for the registration of voters with the argument that it did not leave any scope for a applicant to issue a number of AADHAR, but was not willing to provide it, to present an alternative identification, he had dismissed the statement after CEC that AADHAR was not a law and that it was not an ordination in the ministry of law to the ministry to the law to the law. Timelessness of the continuishment. regard. This was after the CE lawyer informed the Apex court that more than 66.2 million voters (against 99 million rapias currently registered) had voluntarily presented their details of Aadhaar.
Interestingly, according to the responses of the Ministry of Law to the questions in Parliament, the survey panel has not yet linked the details of Aadhaar that are indicated with the Epic database. This link is crucial to establish the identity of voters through AADHAR, seen as the most free errors method to eliminate false and duplicate voters, since it implies biometric authentication.