Caste survey: Backward classes Telangana’s largest group at 46.25% | India News

Hyderabad the classes back (BC) constitute 46.25% (categories A, B, C and D) or approximately 1.64 million rupees of the population of more than 3.5 million rupees in Telangana, which makes them the largest group, according to the recent caste survey conducted throughout the state.
In addition, BCS among minorities (category E) constitutes an additional 10.08% (35.76 Lakh), carrying the total population of BC in the state to 56.33%. Telangana offers reservations to backward communities among Muslims in category BC-E.
Giving details of the survey at a press conference on Sunday, the Minister of Irrigation and Civil Supplies, NTTAM Kumar Reddy, who is the president of the Cabinet Subcommittee on socio -economic, labor, political and caste survey, said a special session of the Assembly. It will take place on Tuesday to discuss the report. He said that 3,54,77,554 (3.5 million rupees) of 1.12 households of millions of rupees participated in the survey. About 3.1% of the population did not participate in the survey for several reasons and the compilation of the survey excludes them.

Cabinet will meet Tuesday to approve two reports

After the BCS, the program of scheduled castes (SC) is the second largest group with 17.43% (61.84 Lakh), followed by the programmed tribes (ST) with 10.45% (37.59 LAKH). The front castes (excluding the front castes between minorities) constitute 13.31%. The total population of the other castes (OC) is 15.79%, after including 2.38% of the population of OC (8.8 Lakh) of the minority community, which carries the total population of OC to 56.01 LAKH.
After the planning department presented the initial report of the caste survey, Reddy declared: “This is an unintentionally and precise survey that has taken place in the country.”

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