Sylvie Boudreau says she is full of gratitude after receiving thousands of donations and more than $ 140,000 to help renew the entrance of the Stanstead Library, which.
“It’s crazy. It’s overwhelming … I have contractors who start working,” said Boudreau, president of the Library Trustees Board.
Built in 1904, the Haskell Free Library and Opera needs to renew an emergency exit to become a main accessible entry for Canadians after the United States government announced that it is limiting access to that entry, which is located at the footsteps of Derby Line, vt.
As part of these restrictions, Canadians need a membership in the library to access the building through the entrance that is located on the American side of the border. And on October 1, these restrictions will become even more difficult.
Boudreau says that the library will open a lateral entrance to the Canadian public on Tuesday, but it is already looking to build an adequate door shortly after.
Launch of a Go Fund Me campaign on Friday, says Boudreau The library He already exceeded his goal.
“All that money in that short time, I’ve never seen anything like that,” said Boudreau.
“There are no strong enough words to thank everyone. And I never thought about my wildest dream than this would happen.”
She says this shows that the library will continue to be a place of unification, “even if some are trying to divide.”

The building has been declared a patrimonial site in both countries and for a long time has been considered a symbol of harmony between Canada and the United States.
Until now, the library was considered a neutral location, allowing Canadians to visit without having to go through the procedures of a normal border, with patrol officers Ensuring that visitors return home once they leave the library.
But on Friday, customs and border protection of the United States (CBP) said that during the decades it has allowed the clients of the library to access their sidewalk without inspection, the area has witnessed a “continuous increase in illicit cross -border activity.”
Once an association symbol between two friendly nations, the free library and opera of Haskell in Stanstead, which., Has become a point of tension lately, with the US authorities who now decide the way it worked for decades represented too much a risk of border security.
Until October 1, non -librarians members trying to enter the US.
As of October 1, all Canada visitors who wish to use the main entrance must be presented in an entrance port to enter the library from the United States, CBP said.
“People are behind us,” says the mayor
Jody Stone, the mayor of Stanstead, spoke against the decision of the United States government at a press conference on Friday. Since then, he says that he has received emails and messages from people around the world.
“It’s really impressive how much people are behind us,” Stone said.
“Canadians and Americans on the border have long been friends and allies for a long time, so when one is being attacked, the other comes and helps.”

With respect to renovations, he says that the city focuses on ensuring that this matter is “at the top of our pile.”
For now, Boudreau is waiting for contractors and then will approach Heritage Quebec and Heritage Vermont with the plans.
As the building is from granite, she says they have to work with an existing entrance.
“It would be great to have another beautiful wooden door … we will make it possible,” said Boudreau. “There is a lot of work to do.”