Patient attacks 3 health-care workers at Halifax ER

According to the sources, three employees of the Halifax nursing hospital were injured by a patient, including two who were stabbed, according to Fuentes.

The Halifax Regional Police was called to the hospital, the largest in the region, around the 1 PM for a complaint of arms. Police arrested the patient.

An email to the CEO staff of Nueva Scotia Health, Karen Oldfield, said the incident “has left many shaken.” She said three people were injured by a patient in the emergency department.

The Minister of Health, Michelle Thompson, said in a statement that there was a serious incident in the hospital and that the “threat has been contained.”

“I want to congratulate Halifax nursing staff [emergency department] Because of his incredibly fast response, “he told journalists at an online press conference.

“They activated the aid, they took care of their colleagues. I cannot imagine the situation in which they found themselves today and I want to congratulate them for their response.”

The Halifax Nursing Hospital on Wednesday. (Dave Laughlin/CBC)

She said the patient had a weapon, but she couldn’t give details about what she was.

For several hours after the attack, the emergency department only accepted people with potentially mortal emergencies.

Normal operations have now resumed, New Health Scotia said around 6 pm

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