Bill Gates says the end of his marriage to Melinda Gates is the mistake he regrets most

Billionaire Bill Gates is opening over his life and named the end of his 27 -year -old marriage with the French doors of Melinda as his greatest mistake.

Microsoft’s tycoon spoke with the Times of London before the launch of his memoirs, “Source Code”. In the interview, Gates said his divorce was “the error that I regret.”

“There is a certain wonder to spend their whole adult life with a person due to the memories and depth of the things he has done and have children together,” Gates said. “When Melinda and I met, I had enough success but not ridiculously successful, that came for the time we were together. Then, she saw me a lot.”

The couple announced in 2021 that they were separating, saying that their relationship was irremediably broken.

He told the “Today” News program the following year that divorce was “definitely sad.”

“I have the responsibility to cause my family a lot of pain. It was a difficult year,” Gates said. “I feel good that we are all moving now.”

Initially, he and the French doors continued working together through the Gates Foundation, one of the largest private philanthropic organizations in the world. At the time of divorce, the couple said they would direct the organization for two years. If it became a problem, the French doors would renounce their positions as co -president and administrator after the conclusion of those two years.

French Gates issued his resignation last year, a decision that Gates told The Times of London “he disappointed him.” But although the divorce was “miserable” for both of us, it seems based on the Gates interview that are in a good place.

“Melinda and I still see each other: we have three children and two grandchildren, so there are family events,” Gates said. “Children are fine. They have good values.”

When the times asked him if he regrets that it is not the end of the marriage, Gates replied: “There are others, but none matters.”

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