HUDCO Targets for Zero NPA in 18 Months: CMD | India News

Nueva Delhi: Hudco, the Navratna CPSE under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, will become an asset without zero performance (NPA) Company by not having bad loans in your books in the next 18 months, its cmd SANJAY KULSHrestha He said Tuesday.
Speaking to journalists, he added that they trust this after the resolution of RS 1,200-mod in projects in the National Company Law Court (NCLT) and RS 400 -ode crore in the Debt recovery court.
The Hudco Chief said: “There are some projects that are about to resolve in the NCLT and other Appeal Bodies.
He added that Hudco has a gross NPA of 1.88% for fiscal year 200, below 3.36% in the same period of the previous year, while the net NPA is only 0.27%, below 0.49% in the corresponding period last year.
In a presentation, the CPSE said it has a loan book of almost RS 1.2 Lakh million rupees during the nine -month period and a market capitalization of almost 47,000 million rupees.
Koulshrestha said later Loans called in yen From around 5,360 million rupees in the current financial year, you are looking for newer geographies for External commercial loan (ECB) including loans called dollars.
He added that the company is trying to raise funds from Japan, matching $ 500 million (just over RS ​​43,000 million rupees), as part of its growth strategy.
Koulshrestha said they would analyze the collection of funds from Japan towards the end of March, with interest rates at 6.1-6.4%, lower than the funds raised in the Indian market with an interest of almost 7.4%. He added that Japan is offering among the most competitive rates, including tax regulations of relaxed retention.

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