Dehuli massacre: UP court gives death penalty to 3 men for killing 24 Dalits in 1981 | India News

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Nueva Delhi: A Court of Uttar Pradesh ordered on Tuesday the death penalty to three men linked to the 24 -Dalits murders in Dehuli in 1981.
Last week, a special court of Dacoity in the UP Mainpuri district condemned three men in 1981 Dehuli massacreWhere 24 dalits, including women and two children of six months and two years, were killed by a dacoits gang.
The massacre in Dehuli, then in the District of Mainpuri and now in Firozabad, was supposedly planned to punish Dalit witnesses who had testified against the criminals of Superior Caste.
A 17 dacoits gang dressed in a police uniform broke into Dehuli around 4.30 pm of November 18, 1981. Directed by the men of Thakur Radhehyam Singh aias Radhey and Santosh Singh Alias ​​Santosha, they went to a Dalit family, shooting 24 people.
Chotelal, who was 17 at that time, said: “I was working in my fields when I heard shots in Jawalaprasad was the first to be killed.
The original FIR appointed 17 accused in sections 302 (murder), 307 (murder attempt) and 396 (Dacoity with murder), among others. More than four decades of judgment, 14 of them died. On Tuesday, the three surviving defendants, Kaptaan Singh, Ramsevak and Rampal Singh, all in their 70 years, were convicted.
Kaptan was released on bail and present in the Court, while Ramsevak was brought from the Mainpuri prison. Rampal sought the exemption to appear, but his plea was denied and an unpaid order was issued.
Another defendant, Gyan Chand alias Ginna, has been declared imposing, and separate procedures are being carried out in his case.

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