Student held in UP for posting clip of namaz on university campus | India News

Meerut: A 22 -year -old student from a private university was arrested on Sunday for allegedly publishing a video of some students, including him, which supposedly offers Namaz in an open place on the campus a few days ago, which caused an outrage among the right -wing groups, police said. On Friday, a FIR was recorded against IIMT University authorities, and after an initial probe by the university team, the student, Khalid Pradhan (Pursuing the Bachelor of Physiotherapy) and three security guards were suspended, reports Krishna Chaudhary.
In the video, around 50 students, including Pradhan, could be allegedly praying on the campus. The incident could have taken place on March 13. SP (Rural) Rakesh Kumar Mishra said the main defendant, Pradhan, was arrested and was being interrogated. In addition, the university authorities were accused under BNS Section 299 (Deliberate and malicious acts destined to indign religious feelings).
Meanwhile, Sharma, in charge of the media of Iimt Group, told Toi: “Once the video appeared, a committee was established to investigate the matter. We learned that the permission of the administration for Namaz on the campus was not taken … It seemed to be a spontaneous act. The main cult, Pradhan, was called by the investigating panel to present his case, but it did not seem, but it did not seem, but it did not seem, but it did not seem HELE.

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