Popular mom blogger dies in car accident: ‘We are absolutely heartbroken’

Elise Caffee, a popular mother blogger in Utah, died after being burned by hot asphalt in a car accident in Mexico.

Caffee directed the Instagram 3kidstravel account, where she published more than 45,000 followers about traveling with her husband, Dan, and her three children. According to a family Instagram account called Elise Caffee currentates, which was created to tell people about Caffee’s recovery efforts, the mother died while she was on her way to a wedding in Mexico with her husband.

“We are absolutely disconsolate when sharing the news of Elise’s death tonight,” says a message posted on the Instagram account. “He clung so much and fought so strong against a set of circumstances impossiblely difficult.”

The publication continued: “Absolutely everything that could have been done for it was made and we are very grateful that he has been able to return home to say goodbye to his family before leaving us. We believe in eternal families and know that we will see our beautiful mother, sister, wife and daughter again. “

Another publication of the same Instagram account explained that the car accident occurred earlier this month.

“Elise and Dan arrived in Mexico for a wedding on March 6 and, on the way to their hotel, they were involved in an accumulation of more than 10 cars on a highway on Cancun, where a truck full of hot asphalt hit them, turned their car, caught Elise underneath and threw hot asphalt on her and the people in front of the other cars,” said the initial publication.

The publication continued: “It happened right in front of a hospital, which is a miracle. Hospital workers hurried and immediately began to try to help people under the cars … but they were burning through their protective gloves because the asphalt was very hot. Elise’s body is very burned, her face is not. “

Caffee, whose Instagram biography partly said, “expert travel mom who believes she can take her children everywhere!” He joked in his account that his family’s motto was “bribes work!” When he travels with his children. Caffee wrote on his website that after having his first baby, friends said he would have to “stop traveling so much”, but that she and her husband promised to keep her love for trips. When its older was 4 weeks old, the family got on a plane to a beach. The next adventure of the baby included camping during the night in Yosemite, followed by a trip to Mexico. According to the Instagram account of Caffee, Paris, Scotland and Maui were only three places that the family had visited.

“Over time we add two more girls to our family and continue traveling and adapting to life as a family of five,” Caffee wrote on his website. “Traveling became our way to connect and link as a family.”

After the shipwreck of the car, Caffee was transported to a burning unit in Utah, according to the post, and then was in critical condition after undergoing surgery. An update publication declared that Caffee was recovering from surgery. “We have received hundreds of letters for her and we can’t wait to start reading them,” said a legend.

“Today was a quieter day than yesterday,” said a later publication. “The coffee girls entered while Elise washed their hair. Then the girls were able to take turns brush and braid him. Dan finished the night in Serenata to Elise with his guitar. “Caffee also visited by Therapy Dogs, according to another publication.

The Foffee family wrote in a publication that plans to share details about a celebration of life for the mother of three children.

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