3 heli-skiers killed in southeastern B.C. avalanche, RCMP says

According to RCMP.

The RCMP said the avalanche occurred in the town of Kaslo, on the east side of Lake Kootenay, around 1 PM PT.

“Two groups of skiers had just finished skiing in the bowl and were waiting in an area of ​​staging under the Tree of Creek water shed. A transport helicopter was approaching the group when the pilot watched an avalanche and the mermaid sounded,” said the RCMP in a press release.

A group of skiers was able to get out of the way, but the other group of four was dragged into the tree line, said RCMP.

Three of the skiers were found dead, according to Mounties, a 44 -year -old Whistler man, a 45 -year -old Idaho man and his 53 -year -old guide from Kaslo.

A fourth person, a 40 -year -old man from Nelson, was seriously injured, police said. The BC Foroners service is now investigating.

The sequelae of the 2023 avalanche near Kaslo, BC, who killed two police officers. (Kaslo Search and rescue)

CBC News has communicated with Avalanche Canada for more information.

In 2023, two police officers from the Nelson Police Department were killed after they were caught in an avalanche of journey near Kaslo.

Avalanche Canada said at that time that some professionals compared the snow layer of that year with 2003, which was one of the worst years recorded for avalanche deaths.

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