1984 Anti Sikh riots: CBI Court records evidence in Jagdish Tytler case | India News

Former Minister of Indian Affairs abroad, Jagdish Tytler (image credits: ANI)

New Delhi: A special CBI court On Tuesday he recorded evidence of a senior scientific assistant who had taken a voice sample from former Minister of Indian Affairs abroad, Jagdish Tytler In CFSL New Delhi in April 2023. An audio clip was also reproduced that contains a voice sample of Jagdish Tytler on the court.
Tytleler faces the trial in a case related to the murder of nearby SIJS Gurudwara Pul Bangash on November 1, 1984.
CBI Jitendra Singh judge recorded the evidence of the witness of the Arun Kumar Gupta prosecutor, who had taken the voice sample of Jagdish Tytler in CFSL, New Delhi, on April 11, 2023.
His voice sample was taken in relation to the evidence collected by the CBI during the investigation. He faces trial in a case related to the murder of SIJS on November 1, 1984, near Gurudwara Pul Bangash.
The evidence was registered by the prosecutor of the public of CBI Amit Jindal. The defense lawyer Anil Kumar Sharma together with Anuj Sharma and Aposta Sharma was also present. The lawyer Surpreet Kaur, a lawyer for victims of riots was also there.
The Court has listed the matter for the interrogation of the scientific officer on February 7.
Rouse Avenue Court is judging the leader of the Jagdish Tytler congress in trial in the disturbances of Pul Bangash and SIJS Murder case.
The court is registering the evidence of the Prosecutor’s Office after formally framing the charges against Tytler. Congress leader Jagdish Tytler appeared before the Court during the hearing.
This case refers to the murders of three SIJS near Gurudwara Pul Bangash on November 1, 1984.
The first witness requested evidence was Lakhvinder Kaur, whose husband Badal Singh was killed during the riots.
The court had addressed the charges framed under sections 143, 153a, 188, 149, 380, 436 CPI Read with 302 and 109 CPI. Tytler was downloaded under section 148 CPI.
This incident occurred after the murder of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
The CBI had presented a complementary charges sheet against Tytler on May 20, 2023.
On July 26, 2023, the Court had issued a summons to the Congress leader, Jagdish Tytler, after taking the knowledge of the supplementary position sheet presented by the CBI against him.
The Central Research Office on May 20 presented a charges against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler in a case related to Anti-Sikh disturbances in 1984 after the murder of the then Prime Minister of India, on October 31, 1984.
In a statement, CBI mentioned that the agency had registered the instantaneous case in November 2005 in an incident in which Gurudwara Pul Bangash in Azad Market, Bara Hindu Rao, Delhi was burned by a crowd and three people, namely Sardar Thakur Singh, Badal Singh. and Gurcharan Singh were burned until death on November 1, 1984 near Gurudwara Pul Bangash.

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